Preferir Hayek a Keynes é aceitar que o poder se transfira do Estado de Direito para o mercado. Este dita que o poder fica com quem mais lucra e quem mais lucra é quem mais explora. Quem mais explora é quem mais domina e, em última instância, escraviza.
Apontar o dedo ao Estado-providência keynesiano alegando a sua falta de democraticidade, é um velho argumento neoliberal (Purcell, 2009, 146):
Not surprisingly then, we see much evidence of neoliberals working to associate their project with democracy. One element of that strategy has been to argue that the Keynesian welfare state was undemocratic because decisions tended to be national, top-down, bureaucratic, and expert-driven. Neoliberals argue that their agenda of deregulation takes such decisions away from the state and its arbitrary, unchecked power, and hands them to individuals making free, rational decisions in an open market. There is little doubt the Keynesian state suffered from important democratic deficits. However, the neoliberal solution is not to democratize the state, but to relocate its power to the market.
Purcell, Mark (2009); “Resisting neoliberalization: communicative planning ou counter-hegemonics movements?”, Planning Theory, Vol 8 (2): 140-165.
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