David Harvey, um dos marxistas mais determinados e esclarecidos da nossa época, já em 1987 parecia adivinhar o que aí vinha:
“There abundant cracks in the shaky edifice of modern capitalism, not a few of them generated by the stresses inherent in flexible accumulation. The world’s financial system – the central power in the present regime of accumulation – is in turmoil and weighed down with an excess of debt that puts such huge claims on future labour that is hard to see any way to work out of it except through massive defaults, rampant inflation, or repressive deflation.”
David Harvey (1987), ‘Flexible Accumulation through Urbanization: Reflections on “post-modernism” in the
Parece que Marx se enganou, mas não em tudo. Não se enganou, por exemplo, na questão das crises cíclicas do capitalismo e as suas consequências na economia das nações.
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